Lighting can Make or Break Your Event

Everyone has experienced the disappointment and frustration of viewing a special event, only to discover upon playback that the once-in-a-lifetime event is too dark, there are distracting shadows, or glare. Proper lighting techniques and a thorough understanding of how illumination works is essential.

You want lighting that warms the environment and emulates natural illumination. The lighting sets the tone and mood for any event, whether it’s a wedding, seminar, trade show, or political rally. Always do a visual sweep of the venue you’ll be lighting. That examination will tell you where dark corners and shaded areas will occur and the type of lighting that’s already available.

It’s also essential as a lighting director to know if existing lights can be lowered or if any special illuminating features are already in place. That walk-through will also provide you with the lay of the land in regard to where the subjects and/or guests will be.

It’s important to talk with the company that will be doing the filming. The type of film and equipment used will have a bearing on the lighting and layout. Depending on the event, you may need spotlights or lower level illumination at various points throughout to create the correct ambiance.

Illumination has the power to reinforce décor, theme and mood whether you’re lighting a sporting event, a podcast, product launch, or a corporate gathering. While it’s important to highlight the principals of the event, you also need to plan for audience comfort. Illumination that blinds viewers won’t be appreciated.

Ultimately, no one will remember the lighting after the event – unless it was done poorly. What they will recall is how beautiful the bride looked or how the event made them feel. In many instances, the audience won’t even be able to put their finger on exactly what it was about an event that stood out for them because everything was perfect – but the lighting director will know.

Frank Gatto & Associates, Inc. are specialists in lighting for television events of all kinds.  If you have an event that needs expert lighting, please call us today to see how we can help.

Phone: 561-368-0101


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