What Can Make or Break A Live Event?

Planning a live event can feel like a thankless task.  All that behind the scenes planning can take months to come to fruition, even though the event itself will be over in just a matter of hours.  Putting on a live event that really packs a punch means that you need to be prepared for anything that could happen on the night.  From badly behaved performers to equipment failure and so much more, you need to be ready to react at a moments notice.

While you can’t prepare for everything, there are some certainties that must be considered during the planning phase.  Following these top tips to ensure that your live event is the best ever.

  1. Test Your Audio Equipment BEFORE the Event

Running live audio is a particular skill set that should almost always be left to the professionals.  If you are planning a live show, you need to know that your audience can enjoy crystal clear audio all night long.

Whether you are using the equipment and sound engineers provided by the venue or hiring your own from an external company, you need to be 10o% sure it will sound absolutely awesome when your audience arrives.

Sound checks are vital for every speaker, performer and even background music, so anyone performing on your stage will need to have their levels set and recorded before the big day.

A good audio technician will be able to make some adjustments to the sound quality during the event itself but limit the possibility for potential problems by ensuring that all equipment is tested and working, and levels are planned before the audience arrives.

  1. Choose your playlist well in advance

Playing the wrong kind of music between bands, or even all night long can really kill the mood.  If you have a DJ booked, to ensure that your guests are able to dance the night away, he or she will need to be given a specific idea of the right type of music for your audience. A great DJ will be able to pick up physical cues from your guests – even if they are not throwing shapes on the dance floor.  Toe-tapping and head nodding are precursors to them getting up and strutting their stuff, so your DJ needs to keep his eye on the ball.  Providing a prepped playlist that doesn’t do the job on the day is also a no-no.  Whoever is provided the music needs to be flexible enough to make changes if the audience isn’t biting.

  1. Light it up

Lighting is one of the most important elements of any live performance or event. Without it, your venue will look dull and disinteresting, and the mood will feel flat.  From the lighting you use to welcome your guests, to the flashes of color and light that illuminate the stage, every part of the event is made more exciting with a finely crafted lighting display.

A professional lighting company will be able to enhance the mood and add excitement to any event, using a series of pre-programmed lighting effects.  From lights that dance to the music, to dark spots that ramp up the anticipation, failing to provide a professional light show will have a huge impact on audience enjoyment.

Professional Live Event Lighting from Frank Gatto & Associates

Meet and exceed the expectations of your audience with a professional light show from the experts at Frank Gatto. Call us today at 561-368-0101 to find out more.

Frank Gatto & Associates, Inc. are specialists in lighting for television events of all kinds.  If you have an event that needs expert lighting, please call us today to see how we can help.

Phone: 561-368-0101

Email: frank@frankgattolighting.com 

We can be found on Social Media at the following links.